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Meet Our School Nurses

Meet Our District Nurses

You may contact our nurses by e-mail if you have any questions, just click on their name.


Francis Elementary

Lindsay Prather  MEd, RN, BSN


Homer Elementary

Brigette Adams  RN, BSN


Byng Elementary, Byng Jr. High, and Byng High School

Mandy Martin RN, BSN

Welcome to the Byng Public Schools Nurses’ Page

Our ultimate goal is to keep your children safe and healthy!  We strive to provide compassionate care, resources, and health education that will follow the students throughout their lives.  Students learn best when they are in class and healthy!


Important Information:

Understanding Type 1 Diabetes


Immunization Information:

Oklahoma Immunization Guide

Tdap Information Sheet

Meningococcal Information

Meningococcal Vaccine Information Sheet

Certificate of Exemption for Immunizations


A few friendly reminders!


1.   Please keep your child home when they are sick.

  • Preventing the spread of illness is essential.  Students have a difficult time concentrating and completing work when they are not feeling their best.  We encourage you to keep them home when they aren’t feeling well to allow them to rest and recover.
  • Check out the Nurse QuickLinks for a guide to help you decide whether to keep your child home, or send them to school


2.  Encourage good hand hygiene!

  • Hand washing is one of the easiest, and most effective, ways to keep yourself and others from getting sick!


3.  Students (all grades) are not allowed to carry any type of medication while at school.

  • Students that need to take medication while at school may keep medication in the nurse’s office.  Criteria listed in the Byng Medication Policy must be met (Please see Nurse QuickLinks to view policy).
  • Parental consent for students to keep their medication in the nurse’s office may be given on the PowerSchool enrollment forms (Student Health Inventory).


4.  All students enrolling in the 7th grade must show proof of receiving the Tdap immunization.

  • This immunization is typically given on, or after, the 10th birthday.
  • Please refer to the Oklahoma Immunization Guide listed under Nurse QuickLinks for more information.


5.  Please keep your contact information up to date.

  • In the event of an emergency, we want to be able to contact you as soon as possible.